Music and the pen…

Some may need to punch a wall or strangle a cat, some may need to slash their wrists of whiff some coke, some may go to the gym and some may cook, some may bury themselves to their work and some may sit still.

That’s diversity.

Everyone has their way of coping, their way of blowing off steam…

When you sit alone in silence, in the night, overlooking the ocean, the mountain or the city from a skyscraper, all alone, thinking of how you got there, that’s a reprieve for some of us. Listening to the silence of the world and the voices in your head.  Conversations getting intense , then they hush… a quiet down and then they drammatically rise again.

And when the voices are too noisy you drown them with some sad song… The irony is that the universe will conspire to give you exactly the mood you want! As if by some sheer luck when you switch on the radio the music is so on point… sad, mellow and the lyrics? Damn it!

Then  its all over and you feel the need to take a pen and write it all down. In the hope that it will make things better.

It does…

Your pen glides over the paper as a stripper on stage, the connection between the content of your literature and your emotions is palpable… The flow is magical and the inspiration is divine…Your tears are your ink…

The pen and the music blends with the solitude to bring out the positivity we all crave!  The explanations that we do not dare voice, The music and the pen are my wall to punch, they are my gym and they give me the ability to scream…It is then and only then that you know you can handle anything, because at the end of it all, its reduced to literature… under your command of the pen…

My pen and my music… Thank God for them!